

We live in a world that is now saturated with sexual images, and access to such images, videos and pornography in general, has never been easier. A few clicks on our phone, tablet, iPad, laptop or desktop – and we are presented with a wide range of sexually explicit material.

This means that pornography has now become a part of many people’s lives, in fact, research shows that sadly even in the church, more than 70% of Christian men and one in five Christian women struggle with pornography and/or sexual addiction.

Sexual bondage can often result in feelings of shame and guilt, as well struggles with self-esteem and difficulty in forming healthy relationships. Long term sexual bondage has the power to destroy marriages, families and lives – especially if it has remained hidden.

But the good news is there is hope!

God can help you renew your mind and the desires of your heart, and a qualified counsellor can walk you through a journey of self-discovery and understanding. There are also many courses available to equip you with knowledge and tools, and getting connected to a small group will help you stay accountable as you find freedom and recover. Please let us know if you would like more information of a course or a group near you that can help you with your journey to sexual purity and freedom. Contact Momentum Australia.

Your Porn Battle Plan – Warrior

January 20th, 2020|

Sexual sin often leads to shame, guilt, and pain—but you don’t have to give in. It’s time to stand up and fight lust, adultery, and porn. In this message, Pastor Craig Groeschel will help you understand why sexual sin is so easily draws us in, why we can’t allow it to keep its hold on us, and a five-step plan to defeat temptation and overcome the sexual sin that tries to control us. Watch the video.

Pornography Hooked Me Deep

November 8th, 2017|

"I told myself that it wasn't all that bad. Boy was I wrong." Watch Nate's story, as seen in the short film, "Flying Blind." Are you stuck in addiction? You can be free. Watch the video.

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