This is a 3-part series on relationships with Wayne and Janet. Part 3 is with Wayne and Janet. Their story as a couple on how they manage their relationship, doing life together, how they manage their previous issues in their marriage, and how they are now helping others in their marriages. Listen to podcast.

About our Guests


Wayne was born into a strong Christian family. He grew up going to church twice a week and his family lived and breathed godly living. He rebelled at 20 and went to explore the world. He met his 1st wife at 21 and had 2 beautiful daughters. He came back to God but really didn’t have a heart relationship with his Heavenly Father. His first marriage fell apart so Wayne ran to God and started to understand what a true relationship with Him could look like. He met Janet and thought entering into a second marriage would be an easy ride. What he hadn’t done at that point was deal with his hurts from his first wife leaving him for another woman and also the impact the divorce had on his finances.

Wayne and his beautiful wife Janet now both help couples struggling with marriage issues and believe that any marriage can make it if two people humble themselves before God. Wayne has a passion for men who are lost, broken, experiencing hopelessness, anxiety and just don’t know how to cope. He longs for men to understand the responsibility they have and what it truly means to be a Godly husband.


Janet grew up in Christian home and experienced the life of a pastor’s kid in her teens. Her life has had many ups and downs including the loss of her father in her 20s followed by diagnosis of chronic illnesses which left her bedridden. She has gone through a divorce, experienced domestic violence and abuse, experienced long-term infertility and lost her only pregnancy through miscarriage. Despite all this, she has held onto her one constant, her rock, her Saviour, her friend…Jesus. She has trusted Him over and over to get her through.

In her marriage to Wayne, Janet learnt even more so what a prayer warrior is and how to hang on to God when there is no hope. Having had her second marriage restored and healed, she and her husband Wayne have a passion for helping marriages in turmoil succeed. Janet’s ministry is to come alongside broken people, encourage them to press into God and affirm them that God will restore refill renew and rebuild. He will create beauty from your ashes.

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